What I knew and didn’t know

Writing is the clearest way I come to understand myself, and figure out what I didn’t know I knew. I can spend time thinking about myself—asking why and how come— but I soon get tired of the subject matter. My thoughts spin around in circles, and I get easily distracted before figuring much of anything […]
Wordle Poetry

I’m on the Wordle bandwagon, are you? The online puzzle game that has suddenly grabbed hold of millions has been a welcome distraction from other news and needs. Since I’ve started playing I’ve managed to solve every one within the allowed six guesses (I’m usually a solid 4.) You may be relieved to know that […]
How writing with others saved me

It’s a story I’m learning to tell more often. It felt very private at first. The first thing you should know is that in 1997 we had twins, born ten weeks early. They were tiny. They came into the world during a dramatic emergency c-section, after a difficult pregnancy. Our oldest learned to eat, hold […]
Farther Along – Road Trips with Sisters

When I was growing up with three sisters, we piled into a series of station wagons for regular road trips from our home in Florida. We drove to North Carolina for summer camp and Thanksgiving vacations. We drove to small towns in Tennessee and Virginia to visit relatives. Sometimes we drove about an hour away, […]