Some Advice from Natalie

In my writing workshops I teach reflective writing—a way of writing that reflects on something particular (a prompt or suggestion), and reveals something as you put words on the page. You may not have an idea where you are headed when you start, but the process of writing helps you get where you need to be. That […]
Where is home for you?

It’s that time again—the time when the families of Methodist ministers are announcing where they are moving. So here goes: This summer we are headed east to the town of Kernersville, (between Winston-Salem and Greensboro, NC) so my husband can serve a two-year appointment as an interim pastor. He is gifted in this kind of work, […]
At the Table

Our kitchen table has stories to tell. Yours probably does too. We bought it around 18 years ago when our children were in early elementary school. It was never intended to be an heirloom, and it certainly won’t be. It came straight out of a box from a discount warehouse. I remember sitting around it—all […]
What are you waiting for?

“What are you waiting for?” I thought I would write about waiting for peace in the world. Waiting for hope. Waiting for the Lord, like in the Psalm verse below, or the Taize chant I’ve been humming all morning. Instead, in my writing today, the question dredged up a particular memory from childhood. I am […]
Wordle Poetry

I’m on the Wordle bandwagon, are you? The online puzzle game that has suddenly grabbed hold of millions has been a welcome distraction from other news and needs. Since I’ve started playing I’ve managed to solve every one within the allowed six guesses (I’m usually a solid 4.) You may be relieved to know that […]
Balcony People

This week the church marks All Saints’ Day. We give thanks for those who have mothered and fathered us in faith. We recognize the great cloud of witnesses that surround us, and mark the lives of those who have died recently, entrusting them to God, as they join the company of saints. The great Baptist […]
Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Last weekend I stepped out of a storm-wrecked farmhouse and ended up in Oz. My daughter and I have always wanted to see The Land of Oz, the quirky North Carolina theme park on the top of Beech Mountain, based on characters from the book by L. Frank Baum, and bringing to life the movie, […]
Farther Along – Road Trips with Sisters

When I was growing up with three sisters, we piled into a series of station wagons for regular road trips from our home in Florida. We drove to North Carolina for summer camp and Thanksgiving vacations. We drove to small towns in Tennessee and Virginia to visit relatives. Sometimes we drove about an hour away, […]
Hospitality, strangers, and entertaining crocheting angels

It’s the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina this week, just as another big storm is bearing down on the Gulf Coast. At the same time a desperate mission unfolds in Kabul as we scramble to evacuate those facing violence because they served our country. Waves of Afghan refugees are making their way to neighborhoods like mine […]