adapted photo of a hand holding blackberries, from Unsplash |
quote by Frederick Buechner, from Now & Then

Listen to your Life

This week one of my faith and writing mentors—whom I never met in person—died at the age of 96. Frederick Buechner was a minister, theologian and writer. His were some of the first books that showed me how writing can be revelation. How carefully chosen plain-spoken words, sentences, and stories can illuminate the presence of God—alive in the ordinary.

I’m not alone. My social media feed is full of friends and colleagues sharing what a gift Buechner’s words have been for them. Many have shared their favorite quotes. I’m not the only one to lift out this one. It’s what I learned from him first. What I still try to do every day. And what I intend my writing prompts and workshops to help you do for yourself.

With gratitude to Frederick Buechner…..


a writing prompt

Listen to your life.

What can you hear, see, taste, smell, touch—right now—right where you are?

Make a list, then pick one and write more about it.

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Picture of Julie Hester

Julie Hester

Julie is a writer and a pastor, trying to pay attention and use her words to make meaning, and share hope. She offers workshops, writing prompts, and creative ideas for you to use your words to find your voice. She specializes in writing for healing and wholeness, and as a spiritual practice.