Lent is an invitation to slow down and pay attention for a few weeks. One of the draws for me of observing a spiritual practice during Lent is the built-in container of time. Somehow the boundaries of the season bring themes and ideas into sharper focus. Or perhaps I’m just able to pay attention better when I have some structure. Regardless, writing as a spiritual practice helps me make connections even when I don’t know what to say or how to pray.
When I chose my writing prompts for the weeks of Lent, the world was in a different place. Ukrainians were going about their daily lives. Children there weren’t huddled in bomb shelters or racing for the border with their mothers and grandmothers, leaving everything behind. My prompt to list things you can let go of during Lent didn’t have over 2 million displaced refugees in mind.
But a good writing prompt has open borders and invites you to access it from more than one direction.
As the idea of letting go rattled around in my head this week, a video surfaced of a young girl in a Ukrainian bomb shelter singing Let it Go from the movie Frozen. The whole room stops to listen to her sing.
Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway
My writing to this week’s prompt will begin with Amelia in Kyiv, seen below. May your own writing bring light and hope into whatever bunkers you find yourself in this Lent.
a writing prompt
Make a list of things you can let go of during Lent. (Or maybe forever.)
old ideas
Then, choose one or more and write more about it.
Or, write about Amelia singing Let it Go.
writing prompts for Lent
I’ll keep sending out one prompt per week in my Wednesday emails, so you can wait to receive them each week in your inbox. Or you can download brief versions of the full set now.
There are seven prompts to use however you like during Lent.
- as prompts for your journal or morning pages
- as a focus for your prayers
- as inspiration for your own writing during Lent
Feel free to share with friends.