person holding a bubble wrap

The joys of bubble wrap

I wrote last week about our planned summer move to a new town and a new home. We are up to our ears in boxes, tape and newsprint, trying to pack up enough to get the house ready for pictures and listing soon. I now think that in addition to inheriting or registering for china and glassware, young people should hope for tape dispensers and a lifetime supply of bubble wrap in order to protect the breakables for their inevitable moves. 

Over the last few days, I’ve wrapped scads of picture frames holding art or photos, pottery made by my husband or gifted from others, and mirrors in all shapes and sizes. Each item would make a rich writing prompt on its own. 

But as I wrap the items I’m wondering more about how we choose what is valuable enough to protect. Is it really the glass and pottery? Or am I protecting the memories they hold? And as we met up with our daughter and friend who got very lucky in a fender-bender yesterday, I wonder about the people we’d like to wrap in bubble-wrap too.

a writing prompt

Write about bubble wrap. 


  • The joy of popping it. 
  • What items you have wrapped in it. 
  • What or who you’d like to protect with it if you could.

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Picture of Julie Hester

Julie Hester

Julie is a writer and a pastor, trying to pay attention and use her words to make meaning, and share hope. She offers workshops, writing prompts, and creative ideas for you to use your words to find your voice. She specializes in writing for healing and wholeness, and as a spiritual practice.