The best art helps us see something in a new way. It pushes the boundaries of our vision and understanding. Whether it’s a piece of music that lifts you out of yourself, or a photo or painting that draws your eye in, or a piece of writing that takes you somewhere unexpected and also true—it’s worth slowing down to pay attention.
Yesterday I watched as NASA released new photos from the James Webb Telescope. I had a moment of teary gratitude for new visions of galaxies still being discovered and shared. Even a glitchy livestream from the scientists couldn’t cloud the stunning art of what they shared.
One of the scientists expressed her astonishment that we are made of the same stuff—the same molecules—as the stars. In the muddled mess of our daily living it is good to be reminded that we are all stardust, and that new insight of stardust—even ourselves—is always possible.
a writing prompt image