pile of gold round coins

What’s it Worth to You?

This week we are waiting for our house appraisal to come back so we can close on the sale, and finish packing. The appraiser is taking their sweet time and we are all a bit anxious about it. How long does it take to assess the value of something as solid as a house? 

Packing for our move (three more weeks!) has me assessing the value of many objects. They have to show some value or get left behind—worn towels, old office supplies, a scary amount of Christmas decorations—all have faced my scrutiny. I’m also aware that sometimes we don’t know what will seem valuable later. Times change, people are lost, and objects mean something different then.

As we drew up the paperwork for the house I had to decide the value of the light fixture over our table. Would it convey with the house or not? It was a Mothers Day present I picked out for myself a few years ago—a Moravian star that makes me smile every day. That in itself is valuable. 

But we are moving to a parsonage where we won’t change out any lights. I don’t know when we’ll next own a home where I can install it, and I suppose I could get another one then. I also value having one less item to store. 

After some angst, I decided to leave it to the buyers. I don’t know if it will make them smile. They might hate it. It is sort of dim…. I just hope it ends up with someone else who appreciates it.

a writing prompt

Write about an object—or something else—that you value.

Me with my star lamp trying to film a Covid-era Epiphany video

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Picture of Julie Hester

Julie Hester

Julie is a writer and a pastor, trying to pay attention and use her words to make meaning, and share hope. She offers workshops, writing prompts, and creative ideas for you to use your words to find your voice. She specializes in writing for healing and wholeness, and as a spiritual practice.